There’s some pretty good advice there dude, you sound like a sad fuck though - I am a sex expert and everything that has been advised you should try. You do sound quite arrogant and you need to get out more instead of being a thick twat
Insults ... how refreshing and totally sad. Probably a kid locked up in the basement always jerking off and falling school
You sound as if you have a small cock so you won’t be able to do it
Just have a fucking wank dude and edge it a bit and then get your auntie or next door neighbour to watch you will be up their shitter in no time
Edge a bit to to get you to the point of explosion and then practice holding and just thrusting your cock without touching then shoot a big load
Well you have to have stamina and be able to hold it back by imagining your mums gaping cunt that will halt the big pump of cum
Because it's different and it's a flex and it's cool to actually cum without touching. Anybody can just wank off but patience can unlock many things
Why do you want to do this just wank your meat hard and get a fagot to take your cock
This is all about practice and setting the mind - this is what you need to do, sit on the sofa or a seat naked with a soft cock. Now use the mind to place yourself with a really hot girl or fagot you have fucked. Imagine them lowering down to not your huge hot cock, gently thrust your cock upward slightly as if you are inside them, your cock should be rock hard now with pre cum coating the end. Whatever you do don’t touch you cock. Still imagining them riding you and your cock in their wet holes you can girate your hips you will find yourself getting close to splurging as you practice. You have to be so in the mind of where you fucked someone like this where you couldn’t hold your cum fountain and eventually you will shoot a hot load. You need lots of practice - I can now manage to sit down and I cum with no hands in 5 minutes and I can hold for 30 minutes
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