I’ve had a lot bigger but my twat is so loose from black cocks. A black man’s cum tastes of mango

Pm me

Your penis is below average speak to your doctor about stretching it and continue to wank it hard every day. You can use my hole if you want and my mum would probably like a go in it if you are into the older woman

Yes it's good. Girth is goid

Reply to the last commenter: You do realise, that question answers are anonymous?

Put it in my hole of love or my shitter and I will tell you luv Wendy

i think its good

It’s about average but at least it has a couple of years growing left - you can try and stretch it slightly. My device is stop worrying about it and enjoy having a quality wank daily and working on your stamina so you can last a long time when your have a girl bouncing on your cock
