Is your cum thick and sticky or is it very watery - you may want to start eating a high protein yoghurt as this will thicken your cum and make it more creamy. A great way of testing if your load is normal is to have a wank in front of the mirror and shoot your load on the mirror then ask a friend if they believe that is a huge load , it will just reassure you about your load. Don’t be scared to ask friends and you could always ask an auntie who has probably had many a load shot over her belly
It is certainly very big. Can't say, if it is healthy or not, though, I am not a doctor of any kind.
I agree to ask your mum is best as if your father was a heavy cummer it’s probably in your genes. Don’t worry about you huge load. How often are you shooting your load. I told my mum about my huge load and she asked me to shoot a complete load in a glass to show the amount I was producing.
You could just be a heavy cummer but sounds unusual - have a wank five days in a row and measure each load then inform your mother
The best thing to do is take a sample of your cum and show your mum then take a sample into the doctors, try and take a whole load so they see how much you are producing. You may have to produce a load in front of the doctor but you may just have a huge load in your huge bollocks. Does your load get smaller
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