Had sex with my dad and brother. I bottomed for both and miss their cum in me

I’ve fucked my aunties but does that count both are over 50 but had tight holes and there bum holes took a good fucking. Both were slags in there day


If its to close a relative its ILLEGAL. And gross in my mind and probably 99% of most peoples minds.


Cousin sex is cool (use protection), closer relatives than that. I'm out.

Generally speaking I don’t think it’s a good thing. I have a sister that’s four years older than me and she started experimenting with me sexually when I was around 10. I was too young to really understand completely what we were doing but I did sense it wasn’t right. I would get aroused but didn’t start ejaculating until I was almost 12. I did learn how to please a woman but was way too advanced for girls my age and it took a few years for me to come to terms with the fact that it wasn’t normal for my sister to do what she did with me. I had trouble with relationships as a teenager because my self worth was tied to the size of my penis and my sexual abilities. Fortunately I learned otherwise and was able to have healthy relationships with good young women. Fortunately my sister didn’t get pregnant and we never got caught. We did still occasionally have sex until I was in my early 20’s and decided to put an end to it. She still sometimes tries to get me to have sex with her even now that we’re both in our 40’s. I would be lying if I said the sex wasn’t good, it was incredible actually, but not a good thing to do for many reasons. My advice is don’t do it and just stick to fantasy and porn.


Regretted it ever since, BAD!

Step mom

I’m a male, I like masturbating to incest pics and porn like brother and sister, stepsis, mom, cousin, caught masturbating by sis/bro or cousin. I find that stuff super hot and will cum hard to it but I wouldn’t actually do incest or think it’s right but would fuck the hell out of my sexy older cousin

I’m a male, I like masturbating to incest pics and porn like brother and sister, stepsis, mom, cousin, caught masturbating by sis/bro or cousin. I find that stuff super hot and will cum hard to it but I wouldn’t actually do incest or think it’s right but would fuck the hell out of my sexy older cousin

I’m a male, I like masturbating to incest pics and porn like brother and sister, stepsis, mom, cousin, caught masturbating by sis/bro or cousin. I find that stuff super hot and will cum hard to it but I wouldn’t actually do incest or think it’s right but would fuck the hell out of my sexy older cousin

I’m a male, I like masturbating to incest pics and porn like brother and sister, stepsis, mom, cousin, caught masturbating by sis/bro or cousin. I find that stuff super hot and will cum hard to it but I wouldn’t actually do incest or think it’s right but would fuck the hell out of my sexy older cousin

I lost my virginity to my mom when I was 15. She was talking to me about sex then I guess it turned her on so she told me to fuck her. It was amazing.

I did it with my sister

its moraly bad, its genetically bad

well I have fucked girls from 4,5years old. To 90 year old girl. I suck the cocksi that make me hot. I love to a girl cum.